If you have been online for any length of time at all, and have snooped around in internet marketing forums and groups, you have no doubt heard the phrase “The money is in the list.” The reality is that it is completely true. Having a list of customers that like your offerings and routinely buy from you is the lifeblood of an online business. Without customers, who is going to buy your products or services? You may get some one-time buyers, but nothing on a routine basis.
But so many new online entrepreneurs fail to take the time to start their list right away. And it is understandable – you are a one-person show and have many things that must be done when starting a new online business. However, with that said, taking the time to start a list has to be towards the top of your things-to-do list.
Starting Your List
You know you need a list, but how do you start one? Most people start by offering a free gift to their readers in return for their name and email address. This exchange of information – their contact information in return for your free gift to them – puts them on your autoresponder list. When you have another offer, you have a list started of people who have shown an interest in your products (or at least your free gift).
Note: Some people will never progress from getting your free gift to actually buying something. After a period of time with them not buying anything, you may want to delete them from your list.
A common tactic used today is to make a new offering to your list first at a reduced price for a time period of a few hours to a week before opening it up to everyone via a blog or social media post. This gives your list the chance to get your offering first and at a lower price than the general public will buy it for later.
Need ideas on freebies? Need help starting the list? Let me know.